
its not your business lol

Primary LanguageJavaScript


that displays location from your input written with react

how to set up

  1. first things first you need to clone the repo.
  2. first step is successful all you need is npm install or npm i.
  3. next get a Google map api key (this step is not compulsory you should see the map with a developer cover over it).
  4. if you got the key follow the next 3 steps.
  5. you need to navigate to src/major-sections/map_section.jsx
  6. locate line 39 <LoadScript googleMapsApiKey={process.env.API_KEY}>
  7. replace process.env.API_KEY with your api key (put it in quotation marks example 'api key' or "api key" )
  8. save and npm run start or npm start

for those who just want to see the api calls navigate to src/utils/DispatchHandler.js that's where all the api's are consumed.

also if both textfield's are not filled or if already processing another submission the submit button will do nothing

note you are running on local host 3000 but that can be changed if you need to