
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A set of header only libraries that make it as DRY as possible to convert between JSON strings and C++ structs.

The library depends on nlohmann-json and boost-hana to do the heavy lifting.


Compilation times will increase significantly when this library is used due to the extensive use of C++ templates and constexpr statements. If the increase in compilation times is unacceptable, then consider not using this library in your project.


You can use this library by adding it as a submodule in your own project and telling your project's CMakeLists.txt to include the library into your own project by using the add_subdirectory command.

When building your targets, make sure you add this library as as part of the target_link_libraries command.

find_package(meta_json 1.0.0 REQUIRED)

add_executable(something something.cpp)
target_link_libraries(something meta_json::meta_json)

Converting to json

You can convert a a Hana adapted class/struct to a json string by using the meta_json::to_json function.

Converting to json

#include <meta_json/to_json.h>
#include <cassert>

struct Flat {
  int a;
  bool b;
  std::string s;
  double d;

BOOST_HANA_ADAPT_STRUCT(Flat, a, b, s, d);

int main() {
  Flat f{32, true, "hi", 42.42};
  auto s = meta_json::to_json(f);

  std::string json = R"({"a":32,"b":true,"d":2.2,"s":"hello"})";
  assert(s == json);

  return 0;

Converting from json

You can convert a json string into a Hana adapted class/struct by using the meta_json::from_json function.

Converting from json

#include <meta_json/from_json.h>
#include <cassert>

struct Flat {
  int a;
  bool b;
  std::string s;
  double d;

BOOST_HANA_ADAPT_STRUCT(Flat, a, b, s, d);

int main() {
  std::string json = R"({"a":32,"b":true,"d":2.2,"s":"hello"})";
  auto f = meta_json::from_json<Flat>(json);

  assert(f.a == 32);
  assert(f.b == true);
  assert(f.s == "hello");
  assert(f.d == 2.2);

  return 0;