
Trigger.dev blog articles

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Source code for Trigger.dev blog articles

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Content Guidelines

All blog post content should following the guidelines:

  • Don't use tabs for indenting code and use 2 spaces (not 4).
  • Use TypeScript instead of JavaScript, unless the article is specifically about JavaScript
  • Favor specifying a Zod schema when using eventTrigger Docs here
  • Use io.runTask or an integration whenever doing any communication with outside services or databases, especially when there's a possibility that runs will be resumed. See our Resumability docs for more.
  • Use Trigger.dev integrations instead of native SDKs.
  • When using io.logger.info, use the second parameter to include additional data with the log:
await io.logger.info("This is a log message with additional data", {
  foo: "bar",
  • io.sendEvent must be awaited