triggerdotdev/ is the open source background jobs platform.
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bug: Task Output Offloading Fails Due to Undocumented "packets" Bucket Requirement
#1708 opened by zvictor - 1
[TRI-4519] Slow start times in Cloud
#1685 opened by matt-aitken - 8
Self-hosted runs not completing
#1668 opened by rharkor - 6
bug: Excessive task-run containers (9000+ exited) accumulating overnight in self-hosted setup
#1567 opened by lpkobamn - 4
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[TRI-4372] Errors thrown in `onStart` should fail the run with that error
#1630 opened by matt-aitken - 0
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bug: Tasks stuck in queue and duplicated indefinitely after nightly server restart
#1566 opened by lpkobamn - 0
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bug: Prisma `prismaSchemaFolder` extension causes EISDIR error then fail deploy
#1635 opened by whchi - 6
bug: `prismaExtension`'s version detection only works when "@prisma/client" is added to `additionalPackages`
#1480 opened by gmathieu - 7
bug: Cannot Deploy on Self Hosted Instance
#1645 opened by TheRealFloatDev - 1
feat: Add ability to add auth tokens in the subscribe to run and subscribe to batch calls
#1646 opened by cavuchris - 0
Adopt Standard Schema spec for `schemaTask`
#1642 opened by ericallam - 0
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bug: Failed to deploy project: Error building image
#1636 opened by NicWagenaar - 1
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[TRI-4379] "No tasks defined" error (>= 3.3.11)
#1631 opened by matt-aitken - 0
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bug: X Error: No lockfile found from '/project'
#1625 opened by arvinxx - 2
bug: EWORKSPACESCONFIG workspaces config expects an Array in yarn package.json with nohoist
#1594 opened by goleary - 1
[TRI-4331] We don't store/show thrown error `cause`
#1603 opened by matt-aitken - 1
bug: self hosted VPC issues
#1612 opened by AndryHTC - 0
bug: Magic Link blocked in self-hosted (VPC)
#1605 opened by AndryHTC - 0
Prevent multiple instance of the `dev` command running at the same time with a File lock
#1609 opened by ericallam - 1
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bug: self-hosted resend email integration not working
#1592 opened by sallespro - 0
[TRI-4324] Allow ignoring some glob patterns in trigger.config (e.g. `**/*.test.*`)
#1593 opened by matt-aitken - 2
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feat: Make @depot/cli an optional dependency
#1597 opened by gsabater - 7
bug: Error: Unable to resolve module
#1490 opened by maxckelly - 1
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bug: Prisma prismaSchemaFolder extension causes deploy to fail
#1565 opened by RobertHH-IS - 7
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Monorepo + decorators = boom
#1568 opened by ericallam - 0
feat: add process.env.TRIGGER_ENV
#1557 opened by youminkim - 0
Investigate using esbuild `keepNames: true` option or making it a config option
#1553 opened by ericallam - 1
Bug: useRealtimeRun continues fetching run data after completion in v3.3.5
#1538 opened by EnriqueSantos-dev - 0
Issue on docs - Vercel integration
#1539 opened by nwolman10 - 1
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[TRI-4123] Logging objects with keys with periods in doesn't render properly in the UI
#1510 opened by matt-aitken - 0
[TRI-4119] Realtime for vanilla JS from the frontend
#1507 opened by matt-aitken - 0
feat: For useRealtimeRuns, allow to disambiguate an empty array from the initial loading state
#1495 opened by felix-quotez - 0
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Runs API failing with 403 when using access token with broad scopes (not run specific)
#1477 opened by felix-quotez - 1
Errors from the providers aren't handled
#1479 opened by ghostdevv - 4
bug: when the image fails to be pulled from the registry, the deployment hangs
#1476 opened by ghostdevv