
TriggerMesh Shaker CLI to create, manage and debug event-driven integration apps.

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TriggerMesh CLI

tmctl is the TriggerMesh CLI (part of the Shaker project) to create, manage and debug event-driven integration apps. This CLI provides a simple user experience in your local environment and supports further deployment to a Kubernetes cluster.

For the full documentation of TriggerMesh and its tooling, please visit docs.triggermesh.io.


The CLI runs TriggerMesh components locally as containers, therefore Docker engine must be running on the machine where tmctl is installed.


TriggerMesh CLI can be installed from different sources: brew repository, pre-built binary, or compiled from the source.


brew install triggermesh/cli/tmctl

Manual install

Download and install the latest version for your platform from the releases page. For example,

curl -LO https://github.com/triggermesh/tmctl/releases/latest/download/tmctl_macOS_amd64.tar.gz && \
tar -zxf tmctl_macOS_amd64.tar.gz && \
chmod +x tmctl && \
sudo mv tmctl /usr/local/bin/tmctl

Alternatively, if you're feeling brave, use the following one-liner to automatically download and install the CLI:

curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/triggermesh/tmctl/HEAD/hack/install.sh | sh


go compiler of the latest version is recommended to build tmctl binary from the source:

git clone git@github.com:triggermesh/tmctl.git
cd tmctl
go install


After tmctl is installed and available in system's $PATH, command-line completion should be configured as it improves the CLI user experience. To configure command-line completion, please use the "help" command output for the shell of your choice, for example:

tmctl completion bash --help


tmctl completion zsh --help

NOTE: for the Bash shell, bash-completion of version 2 is recommended.


The CLI commands provide a way to manage TriggerMesh components locally and deploy them on a Kubernetes cluster without the need to write YAML files. All commands support --help argument to get the description and usage:

$ tmctl help
tmctl is a CLI to help you create event brokers, sources, targets and transformations.

Available Commands:
  brokers     Show the list of brokers
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  config      Read and write config values
  create      Create TriggerMesh objects
  delete      Delete components by names
  describe    Show broker status
  dump        Generate Kubernetes manifest
  help        Help about any command
  send-event  Send CloudEvent to the broker
  start       Starts TriggerMesh components
  stop        Stops TriggerMesh components
  version     CLI version information
  watch       Watch events flowing through the broker

For the quickstart guide, please visit docs.triggermesh.io.


We are happy to review and accept pull requests.

Commercial Support

TriggerMesh Inc. offers commercial support for the TriggerMesh platform. Email us at info@triggermesh.com to get more details.


This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.