Example for factorio clusterio mod in docker

How to start

  • copy one of the docker-compose examples to docker-compose.yml
    • there is a master and a slave configuration as well as a comnined version with both of them
  • copy the config.json from https://github.com/clusterio/factorioClusterio and edit it as described there
    • save it to volumes/config.json
  • create an empty file volumes/master/secret-api-token.txt
    • this is important, otherwise docker will create a folder there
  • if you want to use mods on your server, copy them to volumes/slave/sharedMods
  • if you want to use clusterio plugins like PlayerManager, copy them to volumes/master/sharedPlugins AND volumes/slave/sharedPlugins
  • start the server with docker-compose up

Your factorio server will now run on the standard port. You can access your clusterio page on http://localhost:8080/ or if HOSTNAME is your hostname on http://HOSTNAME:8080/