
Solutions for 2023's Advent of Code challenges, written in import-less Python

Primary LanguagePython

Advent of Code 2023

Important stuff



The long explanation

For 4 years I have subjected myself to the mental torture that is Advent of Code. I have only gotten 50 stars for a single year, 2021.

For that year, I made it significantly harder for myself in two ways:

  • Every set of challenges had to be completed 24 hours after they were released
  • No imports were allowed - not for external libraries, and not for base libraries included with Python.

It was brutal, but from it I learned so much about optimization, shortcuts to get an answer quicker, and just plain patience.

This year is the last year I am able to do this before college. My one and only goal is to truly complete every single challenge, regardless of how long it takes.

For my final year, I plan on including mini-writeups of every challenge, as well as statistics on the following:

  • Fastest + slowest completion times
  • Shortest + longest solutions
  • Easiest + hardest solutions
  • Subjectively worst solution