
Gradle plugin to help publishing bom to Dependency-track

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Dependency-track gradle plugin

This is a community plugin that helps you with bom publication to your Dependency-Track server.

⚠️ This plugin does not generate the bom itself

Using the plugin

We choose cycloneDx plugin to generate the bom.

In the target project, add the plugins as usual:

plugins {
    id "org.cyclonedx.bom" version "1.4.1"
    id 'dependency-track' version "0.1.0"

Configure your custom properties:

dependencyTrack {
    host = 'your-dtrack-server-host'
    apiKey = 'your-dtrack-api-key'
    projectId = 'your-dtrack-project-identifier'
tasks.named('dependencyTrack') {
    dependsOn cyclonedxBom

Run with:

./gradlew dependencyTrack -i

Default properties:

The full list of supported properties with their default values:

dependencyTrack {
    host = 'http://localhost:8081'
    realm = '/api/v1/bom'
    bomFile= file("${buildDir.path}/reports/bom.xml")
    projectId = ''
    apiKey = ''
tasks.named('dependencyTrack') {
    dependsOn cyclonedxBom