
Export github info and import to github-enterprise-server

Primary LanguageShell


# create a buildx builder
docker buildx create --use --name builder --driver docker-container --buildkitd-flags '--allow-insecure-entitlement security.insecure'
# create a ssh agent connection your builder can use
eval $(ssh-agent)
# add the target github enterprise key to ssh/scp payload
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

# if you need to kill the builder
docker buildx builder rm


Just need to provide the source token (SOURCE_TOKEN) and organization(ORGANIZATION) as env vars.

  • Inputs:
    • If the local out directory contains a file named ORGANIZATION.tar.gz then this is moved inside the container instead of pulling freshly from github cloud.
  • Outputs:
    • Expect the ORGANIZATION to have been exported to ORGANIZATION.tar.gz within the container.
SOURCE_TOKEN=ghp_tokenabc123 \
  docker buildx bake export


Just need to provide the target token (TARGET_TOKEN), target user (TARGET_USER), target hostname (TARGET_HOSTNAME) and organization(ORGANIZATION) as env vars.

TARGET_TOKEN=ghp_ENTtokenabc123 \
TARGET_USER=trilom-trailmix \
TARGET_HOSTNAME="github.vms.mud.name" \
  docker buildx bake import


Just need to provide the source token (SOURCE_TOKEN), target token (TARGET_TOKEN), target user (TARGET_USER), target hostname (TARGET_HOSTNAME) and organization(ORGANIZATION)

  • Deps:
  • Outputs:
    • Expect the local out directory to contain the ORGANIZATION.tar.gz file and ORGANIZATION-conflicts.csv file.
  • Exceptions:
    • If there are conflicts and there was a failure, you can provide a file to override the derived conflicts file in the conflicts/ directory as ORGANIZATION-conflicts.csv.
SOURCE_TOKEN=ghp_tokenabc123 \
TARGET_HOSTNAME="github.vms.mud.name" \
TARGET_USER=trilom-trailmix \
TARGET_TOKEN=ghp_ENTtokenabc123 \
  docker buildx bake


## list all repos in all migrations for an org
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ghp_tokenabc123" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" https://api.github.com/orgs/trailmix/migrations | jq -e '[.[].repositories[].name]' > repo-names.json
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ghp_tokenabc123" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" https://api.github.com/orgs/trailmix/migrations | jq -e '[.[].id]' > ids.json

# after two files exist, make a bunch of commands to unlock
echo 'jsonencode([for k,v in setproduct(jsondecode(file("ids.json")),jsondecode(file("repo-names.json"))): format("curl -H \"Authorization: Bearer ghp_tokenabc123\" -X DELETE -H \"Accept: application/vnd.github+json\" https://api.github.com/orgs/trailmix/migrations/%s/repos/%s/lock",v[0],v[1])])' | packer console -config-type=hcl2 | jq -r -e '.[]'