Scrutinizer Workflow is a simple framework for implementing highly scalable, distributed workflows. Each workflow may consist of different tasks which are potentially run on different physical machines in different places around the world, and in different programming languages.
- Distributed Tasks
- Flexible Control Flow (including parallel, or sequential execution, dependencies, retry logic, etc.)
- Language Agnostic
- Tracking of Execution State
- Child Workflows
- Versioning of Workflows (not yet implemented)
- Signaling of Tasks (not yet implemented)
After downloading the library, you need to install its vendors using composer:
composer install
Then, you can use the included CLI interface for setting up the persistence database, and launching workflow server workers.
As RabbitMQ is used as a means for communication, you need to have a RabbitMQ server installed.
For configuration, simply copy config.yml.dist
to config.yml
and fill in the details.
You can take a look at the scrutinizer-client library for a reference implementation in PHP, but in general you can use any other programming language by publishing messages to one of the queues that Scrutinizer workflow makes available.