
💰 Blockchain Coins Tracker built with ClojureScript

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


This a template that lets you deploy a ClojureScript project on Vercel. It is currently using the following:

The template automatically sets up the following features that Vercel Offers:

  • A basic Front End deployed as a Vercel Site
  • A Vercel Serverless Function (see docs to learn more)

You can remove some of these features based on your use case.

A demo of this repo is also available at https://vercel-cljs.vercel.app/


When developing locally, these commands can help you out:


Use the vercel-cli to spin up a dev environment. You can visit your site at http://localhost:8888. Useful when you want to debug Vercel Functions.

yarn server


Watch and recompile your site as you make changes. You can visit your site at http://localhost:8700. If you use this in tandem with yarn server, you can use port 8888 for everything.

yarn watch


Removes artifacts that are generated by shadow-cljs and tailwind.

yarn clean


Builds the site for release. Vercel will use the same command when deploying

yarn build


Spins up a shadow-cljs browser REPL

yarn repl