
Simple C++ abstraction of SQLite

Primary LanguageC++


Simple SQLite C++ classes


#include "SQlite.hpp"
SQLite database;

int main () {
    if (SQLite::Initialize ()) {
        try {
            if (database.open (L"test.db")) {
                // simple statements
                database.execute (L"CREATE TABLE `test` (`a` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, `b` INTEGER NOT NULL)");
                database.execute (L"INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (1, 112)");
                // prepared statements
                auto insert = database.prepare (L"INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (?, ?)");
                // binding more than one parameter
                insert.execute (2, 233);

                // binding more than one parameter
                insert.reset ();
                insert.bind (3, 334);
                insert.execute ();
                // binding each parameter with a call
                insert.reset ();
                insert.bind (4);
                insert.bind (445);
                insert.execute ();

                // single value query, result is '3'
                printf ("%d\n", database.query <int> (L"SELECT ?+?", 1, 2));
                // full query
                auto query = database.prepare (L"SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `test` ORDER BY `a` ASC");
                while (query.next ()) {
                    printf ("%d '%ls'\n",
                            query.get <int> (L"a"), // getting value of column 'a' as int
                            query.get <std::wstring> (1) .c_str ()); // getting value of second column as string

                database.execute (L"DROP TABLE `test`");
            } else {
                printf ("open error: \n");
        } catch (const SQLite::Exception & x) {
            printf ("exception: %s\n", x.what ());
        SQLite::Terminate ();
    return 0;