
Basketball statistics recorder

Primary LanguagePython


Usage: hera.py [OPTION]...
          -f  FILENAME
              Filename to output the csv output (required)
          -h  USAGE

Current Version: 0.3

  1. You must have this these Python packages installed:

    i. keyboard

  2. Since this program uses the keyboard library, you must run it as the superuser.


u: Kick Outs

s: Swing Passes

k: Skip Passes

e: Perimeter Passes

l: Miscellaneous Passes

m: Mid Post Passes

h: High Post Passes

o: Outlet Passes

f: Hand-offs

c: Cross Court Passes

d: Dump Offs

r: Short Corner Passes

p: Paint Touches

1: Points

2: Points

3: Points