
E-Commerce command line client

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a prototype for the e-commerce command line client.
This was developed on a windows computer.

Instructions to run it:

  1. Install MySql server
  2. Run MySql
  3. Run the following commands
CREATE USER 'root1091'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'root1091';


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ECart.* to 'root1091'@'localhost';

  1. Create a virtualenv and activate it.
  2. Run
pip install requirements.txt
  1. Run to create tables in your database
python create_tables.py
  1. To populate the tables, the CSV_files, if they need to be changed, change them according to the structures of the tables.
python populate_db.py
  1. To Run the program, run the main_script.py
python main_script.py

The ER-diagram

ER diagram