
"lib is not writable" error when installing several packages

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etrh commented

When I run pacman::p_install("Rserve", "som", "ROCR", "KEGGgraph", character.only = T), I get the following error:

Warning in utils::install.packages(package, ...) :
'lib = "ROCR"' is not writable

Interestingly, when I run this command: pacman::p_install("ROCR", "Rserve", "som", "KEGGgraph", character.only = T), the error changes to:

Warning in utils::install.packages(package, ...) :
'lib = "som"' is not writable

However, the following works without an error:


This also works:


I'm having the same problem. I also get errors if I try calling it with a vector of packages such as p_install(c("foo", "bar"), character.only = TRUE)