
an implementation of the event part of pygame for skulpt

Primary LanguageJavaScript


an implementation of the event part of pygame for skulpt

Build Status

Sauce Status


Requirements: yarn, rollup

Build: yarn build

Run tests: yarn test

Watch: yarn watch

Copy the pygame.js file and the contents of skulpt_module to a directory somewhere reachable.


Load pygame.js after skulpt, and call Pygame.init({path}) where path is the path to the files in skulpt_module.

After this you can import pygame in skulpt.

API completeness

  • pygame - module importable
    • init - initialises the eventmodule and return a tuple. (6, 0) initialisation succeeded.
    • quit - dud -> None
    • error — standard pygame exception
    • get_error — get the current error message
    • set_error — set the current error message
    • get_sdl_version — get the version number of SDL
    • get_sdl_byteorder — get the byte order of SDL
    • register_quit — register a function to be called when pygame quits
    • encode_string — Encode a unicode or bytes object
    • encode_file_path — Encode a unicode or bytes object as a file system path
  • pygame.event - module importable
    • pump - dud -> None
    • get_grab - dud -> True
    • set_grab - dud -> None
    • get - functional
    • wait - functional
    • peek - functional
    • clear - functional
    • event_name - functional
    • set_blocked - functional
    • get_blocked - functional
    • set_allowed - functional
    • post - functional
    • Event - complete
    • EventType - replaced with an integer
  • pygame.locals - module importable and complete
  • pygame.display - module importable
    • init - initialized the event module
    • quit — dud -> None
    • update — dud -> None
    • get_init — Returns True if the display module has been initialized
    • set_mode — Initialize a window or screen for display, and returns initialized Surface, and initializes the event module
    • get_surface — Get a reference to the currently set display surface
    • flip — Update the full display Surface to the screen
    • get_driver — Get the name of the pygame display backend
    • Info — Create a video display information object
    • get_wm_info — Get information about the current windowing system
    • list_modes — Get list of available fullscreen modes
    • mode_ok — Pick the best color depth for a display mode
    • gl_get_attribute — Get the value for an OpenGL flag for the current display
    • gl_set_attribute — Request an OpenGL display attribute for the display mode
    • get_active — Returns True when the display is active on the display
    • iconify — Iconify the display surface
    • toggle_fullscreen — Switch between fullscreen and windowed displays
    • set_gamma — Change the hardware gamma ramps
    • set_gamma_ramp — Change the hardware gamma ramps with a custom lookup
    • set_icon — Change the system image for the display window
    • set_caption — Set the current window caption
    • get_caption — Get the current window caption
    • set_palette — Set the display color palette for indexed displays
  • pygame.Surface - pygame object for representing images
    • Surface((width, height), flags=0, depth=0, masks=None) -> Surface (both constuctors do the same thing)
    • Surface((width, height), flags=0, Surface) -> Surface
    • pygame.Surface.get_flags — get the additional flags used for the Surface
    • pygame.Surface.get_size — get the dimensions of the Surface
    • pygame.Surface.get_width — get the width of the Surface
    • pygame.Surface.get_height — get the height of the Surface
    • pygame.Surface.blit — draw one image onto another
    • pygame.Surface.convert — change the pixel format of an image
    • pygame.Surface.convert_alpha — change the pixel format of an image including per pixel alphas
    • pygame.Surface.copy — create a new copy of a Surface
    • pygame.Surface.fill — fill Surface with a solid color
    • pygame.Surface.scroll — Shift the surface image in place
    • pygame.Surface.set_colorkey — Set the transparent colorkey
    • pygame.Surface.get_colorkey — Get the current transparent colorkey
    • pygame.Surface.set_alpha — set the alpha value for the full Surface image
    • pygame.Surface.get_alpha — get the current Surface transparency value
    • pygame.Surface.lock — lock the Surface memory for pixel access
    • pygame.Surface.unlock — unlock the Surface memory from pixel access
    • pygame.Surface.mustlock — test if the Surface requires locking
    • pygame.Surface.get_locked — test if the Surface is current locked
    • pygame.Surface.get_locks — Gets the locks for the Surface
    • pygame.Surface.get_at — get the color value at a single pixel
    • pygame.Surface.set_at — set the color value for a single pixel
    • pygame.Surface.get_at_mapped — get the mapped color value at a single pixel
    • pygame.Surface.get_palette — get the color index palette for an 8bit Surface
    • pygame.Surface.get_palette_at — get the color for a single entry in a palette
    • pygame.Surface.set_palette — set the color palette for an 8bit Surface
    • pygame.Surface.set_palette_at — set the color for a single index in an 8bit Surface palette
    • pygame.Surface.map_rgb — convert a color into a mapped color value
    • pygame.Surface.unmap_rgb — convert a mapped integer color value into a Color
    • pygame.Surface.set_clip — set the current clipping area of the Surface
    • pygame.Surface.get_clip — get the current clipping area of the Surface
    • pygame.Surface.subsurface — create a new surface that references its parent
    • pygame.Surface.get_parent — find the parent of a subsurface
    • pygame.Surface.get_abs_parent — find the top level parent of a subsurface
    • pygame.Surface.get_offset — find the position of a child subsurface inside a parent
    • pygame.Surface.get_abs_offset — find the absolute position of a child subsurface inside its top level parent
    • pygame.Surface.get_rect — get the rectangular area of the Surface
    • pygame.Surface.get_bitsize — get the bit depth of the Surface pixel format
    • pygame.Surface.get_bytesize — get the bytes used per Surface pixel
    • pygame.Surface.get_pitch — get the number of bytes used per Surface row
    • pygame.Surface.get_masks — the bitmasks needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer
    • pygame.Surface.set_masks — set the bitmasks needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer
    • pygame.Surface.get_shifts — the bit shifts needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer
    • pygame.Surface.set_shifts — sets the bit shifts needed to convert between a color and a mapped integer
    • pygame.Surface.get_losses — the significant bits used to convert between a color and a mapped integer
    • pygame.Surface.get_bounding_rect — find the smallest rect containing data
    • pygame.Surface.get_view — return a buffer view of the Surface’s pixels.
    • pygame.Surface.get_buffer — acquires a buffer object for the pixels of the Surface.
    • pygame.Surface._pixels_address — pixel buffer address