CPA: Programming Essentials in C++

Primary LanguageC++

Run code

To run c++ or c code using g++ type:

./run.sh <filename>

To run c code using gcc type:

./runc.sh <filename>

CLA Labworks list


Lab 1.2.1 Your first program
Lab 1.3.1 Comments:are they always useful?
Lab 1.4.1 Parentheses
Lab 1.4.2(1.4.1) Floats: operators and expressions
Lab 1.4.3(1.4.2) Ints: operators and expressions
Lab 1.6.1 Logical data: operators and expressions
Lab 1.7.1 Printing data
Lab 1.7.2 Near zero float numbers
Lab 1.7.3 Getting input from user


Lab 2.11.1 Structure of time or time of structure
Lab 2.11.2 Times and durations
Lab 2.1.1 Essentials of if-else statement
Lab 2.1.2 Some actualevaluations - taxes
Lab 2.1.3 Some actualevaluations - converting measurement system
Lab 2.1.4 Some actualevaluations - finding day of week
Lab 2.1.5 Some actualevaluations - finding date of Easter
Lab 2.3.1 Collatz's hypothesis
Lab 2.3.2 Some actualevaluations – finding the value of π
Lab 2.3.3 Finding positive powers of 2
Lab 2.3.4 Finding negative powers of 2
Lab 2.3.5 Drawing squares (actually: rectangles)
Lab 2.3.6 Postcard from Gizah
Lab 2.3.7 Do it yourself: Fibonacci sequence
Lab 2.3.8 Do it yourself: factorials
Lab 2.3.9 The riddle (a bit of a tricky one)
Lab 2.4.1 Counting bits (the ones)
Lab 2.4.2 Bitwise palindromes
Lab 2.5.1 A realand usable calculator
Lab 2.9.1 Simple vector manipulations
Lab 2.9.2 Collecting banknotes
Lab 2.9.3 Palindromes once again
Lab 2.9.4 Evaluating different kinds of means
Lab 2.9.5 Two-dimensional square array – symmetric or not?


Lab 3.10.1 Using pseudorandom values - a little lottery
Lab 3.10.2 Dynamic data – how to obtain it and how to get rid of it
Lab 3.2.1 Vectors and pointers: first try
Lab 3.2.2 Matrices and pointers – a step inside
Lab 3.4.1 Old problems, new methods: functions
Lab 3.4.2 One step further: finding the lengths of months
Lab 3.4.3 Second step further: finding day of year
Lab 3.4.4 Third step further – counting the days
Lab 3.4.5 A foretaste of system programming – obtaining the current date
Lab 3.4.6 Prime numbers – how do we find them?
Lab 3.6.1 Modifying a function argument's value – how do we do it?
Lab 3.8.1 Overloading functions


Lab 4.1.1 Multi-dimensionalarrays of variable length
Lab 4.2.1 Range of integer type
Lab 4.2.2(4.2.1) Comparing floating-point numbers
Lab 4.4.1 String manipulation: pangrams
Lab 4.5.10(4.5.8) Text manipulation: templates
Lab 4.5.1 String in functions: IP numbers
Lab 4.5.2(4.5.1) Text manipulation: duplicate white space
Lab 4.5.3(4.5.1) Text manipulation:eliminate duplicates
Lab 4.5.4(4.5.2) Text manipulation: find and replace
Lab 4.5.5(4.5.3) Text manipulation: stop word elimination
Lab 4.5.6(4.5.4) Text manipulation:anagrams
Lab 4.5.7(4.5.5) Text manipulation: pattern matching
Lab 4.5.8(4.5.6) Text manipulation: plain-text formatting
Lab 4.5.9(4.5.7) Text manipulation: password validation


Lab 5.1.1 Classes and Objects in C++
Lab 5.1.2 Restricting access to object data
Lab 5.1.3 Obtaining derived data from an object
Lab 5.1.4 Classes and objects: ShopItemOrder
Lab 5.3.10 Points in 2D: part 3
Lab 5.3.11 Inheritance basics: part 1
Lab 5.3.12 Inheritance basics: part 2
Lab 5.3.13(5.3.1) Singly linked list: part 1
Lab 5.3.14(5.3.2) Singly linked list: part 3
Lab 5.3.15(5.3.3) Singly linked list: part 3
Lab 5.3.16(5.3.4) Singly linked list: part 4
Lab 5.3.17(5.3.5) Singly linked list: part 5
Lab 5.3.18(5.3.6) Singly linked list: part 6
Lab 5.3.19(5.3.7) Singly linked list: part 7
Lab 5.3.1 Flight booking system: part 1
Lab 5.3.20(5.3.8) Doubly linked list
Lab 5.3.2 Flight booking system: part 2
Lab 5.3.3 Flight booking system: part 3
Lab 5.3.4 Gym membership management system
Lab 5.3.5 Modelling fractions: part 1
Lab 5.3.6 Modelling fractions: part 2
Lab 5.3.7 Modelling fractions: part 3
Lab 5.3.8 Points in 2D: part 1
Lab 5.3.9 Points in 2D: part 2


Lab 6.3.1 Polymorphism: part 1
Lab 6.3.2(6.3.1) Polymorphism: part 2
Lab 6.3.3(6.3.1) Polymorphism: part 3
Lab 6.4.1 Interfaces and virtual functions: part 1
Lab 6.4.2 Interfaces and virtual functions: part 2
Lab 6.4.3 Interfaces and virtual functions: part 3
Lab 6.4.4 Your own game
Lab 6.5.1 Composition: part 1
Lab 6.5.1 Composition: part 2


Lab 7.1.1 Exceptions: input validation
Lab 7.1.2(7.1.1) Exceptions: divide by zero
Lab 7.2.1 Exceptions: input validation
Lab 7.2.2(7.2.1) Exceptions:catch block
Lab 7.2.3(7.2.1) Exceptions: simple checks
Lab 7.3.1 Exceptions: file checks
Lab 7.3.2(7.3.1) Exceptions:checking strings
Lab 7.5.1 Exceptions: including information in exceptions


Lab 8.1.1 Operators: iostream and operators
Lab 8.1.2(8.1.1) Operators: non-natural way of using
Lab 8.2.1 Enums: representing values
Lab 8.4.1 Operators: representing values and values order
Lab 8.4.2(8.4.1) Operators:complex classes
Lab 8.4.3(8.4.1) Operators:arithmetic operators