
Invalid or unsupported Chado schema version '1.3x'.

spficklin opened this issue · 1 comments

When running functional tests both myself and @risharde were getting the error message:
Invalid or unsupported Chado schema version '1.3x'. It seems that this problem occurs because the version is getting set here:

if ($this->schema()->tableExists('analysis_cvterm')) {
$version = '1.3x';

But this shouldn't be happening. this code should only be called if there is no proper version in the chadoprop table. The code a bit higher up is supposed to check this:

The version should be set correctly for testing as per this bit of SQL:

INSERT INTO chadoprop (type_id, value, rank)
SELECT cvterm_id as type_id, '1.3' as value, 0 as rank
FROM cvterm
WHERE name = 'version';

I should add, in my tv4g1-129-TripalFields-complex-properties branch I removed the 'x' in the 1.3x so that testing would continue on.