A single page automation using selenium and use use it as validation in chrome webdriver. To run the code:

python  main.py --debug --showTest

Below is the object model: Object-Model

Lets go through the objects data one by one:


  • defined in utils.py
  • Indicating the user intraction to the webPage. We have only consider two simple operation i.e. single-click and enter-data for keyboard input.
    1. To identify-By(identyfyBy) the a html element from
    ['id', 'name', 'xpath', 'link_text', 'partial_link_text', 'tag_name', 'class_name', 'css_selector']
    1. The unique way wrt the identyfyBy
    2. waitFor an integer value which wait for element to be visible for a given time.
    1. enter-data takes in string element. But note the object should also be created after webAction of single-click


  • defined in utils.py

  • For now three method for validation/testing is done. Each object have status which takes from values from

    -1: failed
    0: not started
    1: success
  • test URL for checking url to given string

  • test title for checking title to given string

  • to check a html text data field of a given html object should be same as webAction:single-click


  • defined inside page.py
  • it takes url for creating the session
  • and a list of webAction and webTest
  • its where magic happens, initialize the chrome driver.
  • goto the perticular url
  • and perform the web action and testing wrt the procedureChain