
This is a JavaScript exercise in using a public API, in this case GitHub to perform a GET request, bring the response object into an HTML page and style it.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

alt text

The goal of this project was to create a GitHub User Search tool by that connects to the GitHub public API and perfors a get request using Axios, Parcel-Bundler, Browser-Sync and vanilla JS. Styling is handled with Tailwind CSS.


  1. Make sure to invoke "parcel watch app.js", not just once, but every time you decide to close the editor down it needs to be restarted. Painful lesson.

  2. Template literals are powerful.

  3. You can create HTML style it and invoke it with a simple function like this: const createCard = (data) => <html style="some-style"></html> This is a pretty powerful concept for returning data from an api and styling it on the page.