
MQTT file queue handler library for Mongoose OS and GCP (Google Cloud Platform/Google Core IoT)

Primary LanguageC

Mongoose OS MQTT Queue


This is a MQTT queue library for Mongoose OS to queue MQTT publish events when the device is disconnected, writing the JSON to a file, and then once the device reconnects it will resend the the MQTT event.

This library was built specifically for Mongoose OS GCP (Google Cloud Platform/Google Core IoT), but could be easily adapted for standard MQTT servers or other providers pretty easily.

This is still in beta stages and needs to be thoroughly tested


Myles McNamara ( https://smyl.es )


  • Set maximum files to create, after reaching that limit, the oldest will be overwritten
  • On reconnect, will republish MQTT event
  • After publishing queued event the file will be deleted from the device
  • Set custom directory for storing queue data files (must be created as another partition)


Check the mos.yml file for latest settings, all settings listed below are defaults

  - [ "gcp.queue.enable", "b", true, {title: "Enable MQTT Queue on device boot (to process queue and set event handler on boot) "}]
  - [ "gcp.queue.max", "i", 10, {title: "Maximum number of files to keep in queue (if queue exceeds this limit, oldest files will be overwritten)"}]
  - [ "gcp.queue.delay", "i", 5, {title: "Delay between sending each queueud MQTT event upon reconnect"}]
  - [ "gcp.queue.data", "s", "", {title: "Custom location to store queue files (only should be used if you have created ext partition that is mounted)"}]


Add this lib your mos.yml file under libs:

  - origin: https://github.com/tripflex/mqtt-queue-gcp

Use specific branch of library

To use a specific branch of this library (as example, dev), you need to specify the version below the library

  - origin: https://github.com/tripflex/mqtt-queue-gcp
   version: dev

How it works

The ideal flow for this library is that you will call this function to send the MQTT event, regardless of whether the device is connected or not. Instead of calling mgos_gcp_send_event_subf you would call mgos_mqtt_queue_gcp_send_event_subf. If the device is connected to GCP, it will use the native handling exactly the same as mgos_gcp_send_event_subf. Ideally you would only call this for important MQTT events that must be sent once reconnected, using the standard mgos_gcp_send_event_subf for events that are not of top priority to send.

One file is created to store the index data, queuemeta.json

If the device is not connected this library will instead create two files (%d will be replaced with an integer -- the index of the queue):

  • queue_%d.json - Fully parsed and generated JSON to send
  • queue_%d_meta.json - JSON containing the subfolder and any other meta necessary for sending the event

As example, if you have set gcp.queue.max to 10, that means a total of 20 files will be created, 10 for data and 10 for meta, and will start at 1. So the first time a queue is created the files will be queue_1.json and queue_1_meta.json, and then the next one will be queue_2.json and queue_2_meta.json, and so on.

If the index reaches the max set in settings, it will then go back to 1 (the oldest) and will overwrite queue_1.json, etc etc until the device reconnects.

When the device reconnects, it will read the queuemeta.json file to get the current index, it will then work backwards from the latest index file (ie queue_5.json if that was the last created), sending the event data, and removing the file, updating the new index to (index-1)

Available Functions/Methods

C Functions

bool mgos_mqtt_queue_gcp_send_event_subf(const char *subfolder, const char *json_fmt, ...);


1.0.0 TBD - Initial release


Apache 2.0