Click here to view my updated and deployed portfolio.
I have updated my portfolio to have a more modern layout, and the content now features my top three work samples so far. The image launches the deployed applications and the titles launch the respective repositories. I have updated and modernized the look of the page from the first page using Google fonts, css border boxes and media queries in addition to flex boxes. I also used the coolors webpage to help find a unique but also complementary color scheme.
The content now features a group project and the two most recent homework assignments. For the group project called Dinner and a Movie link I designed the UI and programmed the API call that converted zipcodes to latitude and longitude coordinates. The other two works samples, Weather Dashboard link and Work Day Scheduler link use JS to communicate with third party and server-side APIs.
I also updated my GitHub account with a recent photo and pinned repositories.
Homepage: CSS, HTML, Google Fonts,
Linked Work: CSS, Bootstrap, HTML, JS, JQuery, Open Weather API, MomentJS