
Infrastructure provisioning for CultureStake development and production environments

Primary LanguageShell


Infrastructure provisioning for CultureStake development and production environments.


  • Make a copy of .env.example and rename it to .env, edit the file according to your needs.

  • Edit your /etc/hosts file and add the following hostnames (or similar, depending on your .env configuration): graph.culturestake.local


Note: Depending on how docker was installed, some of these commands may require sudo, but make contracts and make subgraph do not use docker and should not require root. Running them as root will make the contracts and subgraph files owned by root, which can cause unexpected behaviour.

# Build all docker containers
make build

# .. use production environment
ENV=production make build

# Start containers
make up

# Show container logs
make logs

# Download and migrate contracts
make contracts

# Create and deploy subgraph
make subgraph

# Stop all containers
make down

# Stop all containers and delete all volumes
make delete

# Remove temporary files
make clean


CultureStake is a Furtherfield / DECAL initiative.


GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 AGPL-3.0