
Application server of sh8.email which is a entirely rewritten version with Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Application server of sh8.email which is a entirely rewritten version with Node.js

How Run the Tests?

Run npm test.

API Specification

  • Create a mail
    • POST /api/mails/create
    • Body required
      • A mail represented as JSON
    • Response
      • Success: JSON representation of the saved mail
      • Fail: 500 Error
  • Show mails list
    • GET /api/recipient/:recipient/mails
    • Response
      • Success: List of mails represented as JSON
        [mail1, mail2, mail3, ...]
        • There is isSecret boolean field
        • Respond empty array when there is no mail which is matched query
      • Fail
        • Respond 404 Not Found if the 'recipient' params is missing
  • Show a non-secret mail
    • GET /api/recipient/:recipient/mails/:id
    • Response
      • Success: A mail represented as JSON
      • Fail
        • Respond 404 Not Found if the 'recipient' params is missing or the requested mail is not present
  • Show a secret mail
    • GET /api/recipient/:recipient/mails/:id
    • Header required
      • Sh8-Secret-Code: the secretCode
    • Response
      • Success: A mail represented as JSON
      • Fail
        • Respond 404 Not Found if the 'recipient' params is missing or the requested mail is not present
        • Respond 403 Forbidden if the secretCode is invalid

Mail Model Specification

We use mail model which is based on mail model of nodemailer/mailparser. But there is a difference representing address object likes from, to, cc and bcc. We removed html, text property of address object and spreaded value property. Therefore the address object is shown as below example.

// Representation of `to` property in address object
    address: 'andris+123@kreata.ee',
    name: 'Andris Reinman'
    address: 'andris.reinman@gmail.com',
    name: ''

Also, there are some additional properties.

  • isSecret: Boolean. true if the mail is a secret mail, otherwise false.