
Laravel/Lumen Docker Scaffold

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Laravel/Lumen Docker Scaffold


This will create a dockerized stack for a Laravel/Lumen application, consisted of the following containers:

  • app, your PHP application container

     Nginx, PHP7.4 PHP7.4-fpm, Composer, NPM, Node.js v10.x
  • mysql, MySQL database container (mysql official Docker image)

Directory Structure

+-- src <project root>
+-- resources
|   +-- default
|   +-- nginx.conf
|   +-- supervisord.conf
|   +-- www.conf
+-- .gitignore
+-- Dockerfile
+-- docker-compose.yml
+-- readme.md <this file>

Setup instructions


Installation steps:

  1. Create a new directory in which your OS user has full read/write access and clone this repository inside.

  2. Create two new textfiles named db_root_password.txt and db_password.txt and place your preferred database passwords inside:

    $ echo "myrootpass" > db_root_password.txt
    $ echo "myuserpass" > db_password.txt
  3. Open a new terminal/CMD, navigate to this repository root (where docker-compose.yml exists) and execute the following command:

    $ docker-compose up -d

    This will download/build all the required images and start the stack containers. It usually takes a bit of time, so grab a cup of coffee.

  4. After the whole stack is up, enter the app container and install the framework of your choice:


    $ docker exec -it app bash
    $ composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel .
    $ nano .env
    $ php artisan migrate --seed


    $ docker exec -it app bash
    $ composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/lumen .
    $ nano .env
    $ php artisan migrate --seed
  5. That's it! Navigate to http://localhost to access the application.

Default configuration values

The following values should be replaced in your .env file if you're willing to keep them as defaults:
