
For humanities scholars writing on the web for broad audience

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Web Writing for the Public


This tutorial was prepared by Brandon Locke and is maintained by LEADR staff. Here are the usage rights associated with this tutorial.

Find all our tutorials at https://leadr-msu.github.io.

Created by Brandon Locke

Writing for the Public

  • Try to find a central question and organize your writing around it; let it drive your narrative
  • Try to find new angles on ideas that were already of interest to people
    • Don't feel the need to find one tiny piece of history that nobody has ever discussed
    • See what others are writing and what non-historian audiences may see or already know
    • Steer clear of topics that are oversaturated
  • Clear and concise prose without academic jargon - but don't feel like you need to "dumb it down"
  • Use active verbs, vary sentence length, make subjects of your sentences characters
  • Try to tell a story
    • Use a few characters to tell the story and demonstrate larger historical trends
    • Early on, create a mystery or emotional connection so they want to keep reading
    • Honor chronology whenever possible
    • Give people a stake in the story and make them want to continue
    • Provide forward movement, anticipation; give the feeling that you're going someplace
    • Don't leave out or bury the personal or interesting details
  • Don't feel like you must demonstrate your deep knowledge of the historiography — just use historiography to highlight different interpretations and arguments
  • Reflect on writing you've liked and think about what makes it compelling
  • Contextualize and add explanations for things people may not be familiar with
  • Have non-historians/non-academics read a draft and share their thoughts with you
  • Try putting your writing into Hemingway App to highlight confusing sentences, overly complicated words, passive voice, etc.

Sources & Further Reading

Writing on the Web

eye-tracking heatmap of a website

Photo: Heatmap of web users made with eye tracking software. Photo from Stanford IT

  • Use well-structured headings and subheads to organize, signpost, and break up the text
  • Try to use shorter sentences and paragraphs; don't indent paragraphs
  • Use bullet points and numbered lists when possible
  • Use photos and visual aids whenever possible
  • Either use brackets ( [1] ) for footnotes or use brief parenthetical citations; should have a consistent style for an entire website or project
  • Use white space to prevent readers from being overwhelmed
  • Make sure you're following fair use and are not violating copyright. We have a Fair Use Guide available.

Accessibility Tips

Sources & Further Reading