
Same Factorio like game in Java

Primary LanguageJava

Ground Up


João Augusto dos Santo Lima - up201605314@fe.up.pt
Ka Chon Ho - up201711244@fe.up.pt


Let the players deal with the supply and demand between mines, factories, villagers.


  • Place: All place types.

    • Mine: Produces materials for Factories.
      • IronMine: Mines only produce iron.
      • ...
    • Factory: Produces products for villagers.
      • ...: Factory only produce specific product(s).
    • House: For villagers' living.
      • ...: Different kinds of houses.
  • Person: All human types.

    • Worker: The people who work in a factory.
  • Coisa: Everything else.

    • FryingPan
    • ...: Different materials, products
  • Conveyor: For moving one material/product to another place.

  • Logic

    • Console: For programming habit (Console.log("...")).
    • Map: Manage all the information for the game renderer.
    • Path: Path finder
      • byAStar: A Star algorithm
    • Storage
      • ...

UML Diagram

UML Diagram (Updated 2018-04-27) (Simplified Version)

Behavioural Aspects

State Diagram

Design Patterns

  • Factory Method
  • Object Pool Used the two design in combination
  • Composite : A tree structure of simple and composite objects
  • Facade : A single class that represents an entire subsystem
  • State : Alter an object's behavior when its state changes
  • Strategy : Encapsulates an algorithm inside a class

GUI Design

Menu with Play and Load Game. The game it self should have on the top right a list the the materials/money of the player to build new buildings. On the bottom left there will be a build button with options to build different buildings


Test Design

  • Test if the people move correctly
  • If the materials move currectly to the position
  • If the user can add building and delete
  • Check if the position of placement is currect
  • Save and Load Game