
zsh related dot files

Primary LanguageShell


zsh related dot files

gitconfig should be sym-linked to ~/.gitconfig

gitignore should be sym-linked to ~/.gitignore

ToDo List ...

  1. move alias.zsh into ~/Code/opensrc/zdot/scripts/
  2. rename alias.zsh to _alias.zsh
  3. move funcs.zsh into ~/Code/opensrc/zdot/scripts/
  4. rename funcs.zsh to _funcs.zsh
  5. touch android.zsh in ~/Code/opensrc/zdot/scripts/
  6. move ANDROID_HOME line from zshrc to android.zsh
  7. touch nvm.zsh in ~/Code/opensrc/zdot/scripts/
  8. move NVM_DIR line from zshrc to nvm.zsh
  9. test for symlink of nvm.sh in ~/.nvm/
  10. ensure no file ~/.nvm/alias/default, this makes shell-start slow
  11. update zshrc to source each file in ~/Code/opensrc/zdot/scripts/
  12. find script to auto load .nvmrc in folder
  13. investigate nvm use in alias.zsh, tidy-up