Created by Harvey Lucas and Roop Hayer
AWS: API, Dynamo and Lambda
Create a single resource REST API using a domain model of your choosing, constructed using AWS Cloud Services
- Database: DynamoDB
- Routing: API Gateway
- CRUD Operation Handlers: Lambda Functions
id: Number,
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
pob: String,
age: Number
POST Path: /people?id=#
- Given a JSON body, inserts a record into the database
- Returns an object representing one record, by its id (#)
GET (All)
- Path: /people
- Returns: an array of objects representing the records in the database
GET (One)
- Path: /people?id=#
- Given an ID (#), retrieves that recorde from the database
- Returns: returns an object representing one record, by its id (#)
- Path: /people?id=#
- Given a JSON body and an ID (#), updates a record in the database
- Returns:
On success: String - "Item updates successfully"
On error: String - "Enter valid id to update"
- Path: /people?id=#
- Given an ID (#), deletes that recorde from the database
- Returns: String "Successfully deleted an item!"