
A Serverless Framework Plugin for Static Site Deployment

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm npm license

A Serverless Framework plugin for deployment of static website assets of your Serverless project to AWS S3.


npm install --save serverless-finch


First, update your serverless.yml by adding the following:

  - serverless-finch

    bucketName: unique-s3-bucketname # (see Configuration Parameters below)
    # [other configuration parameters] (see Configuration Parameters below)

NOTE: For full example configurations, please refer to the examples folder.

Second, Create a website folder in the root directory of your Serverless project. This is where your distribution-ready website should live. By default the plugin expects the files to live in a folder called client/dist. But this is configurable with the distributionFolder option (see the Configuration Parameters below).

The plugin uploads the entire distributionFolder to S3 and configures the bucket to host the website and make it publicly available, also setting other options based the Configuration Parameters specified in serverless.yml.

To test the plugin initially you can copy/run the following commands in the root directory of your Serverless project to get a quick sample website for deployment:

mkdir -p client/dist
touch client/dist/index.html
touch client/dist/error.html
echo "Go Serverless" >> client/dist/index.html
echo "error page" >> client/dist/error.html

Third, run the plugin, and visit your new website!

serverless client deploy [--region $REGION] [--no-delete-contents] [--no-config-change] [--no-policy-change] [--no-cors-change]

The plugin should output the location of your newly deployed static site to the console.

Note: See Command-line Parameters for details on command above

WARNING: The plugin will overwrite any data you have in the bucket name you set above if it already exists.

If later on you want to take down the website you can use:

serverless client remove

Configuration Parameters



    bucketName: unique-s3-bucketname

Use this parameter to specify a unique name for the S3 bucket that your files will be uploaded to.


optional, default: client/dist

    distributionFolder: path/to/files

Use this parameter to specify the path that contains your website files to be uploaded. This path is relative to the path that your serverless.yaml configuration files resides in.


optional, default: index.html

    indexDocument: file-name.ext

The name of your index document inside your distributionFolder. This is the file that will be served to a client visiting the base URL for your website.


optional, default: error.html

    errorDocument: file-name.ext

The name of your error document inside your distributionFolder. This is the file that will be served to a client if their initial request returns an error (e.g. 404). For an SPA, you may want to set this to the same document specified in indexDocument so that all requests are redirected to your index document and routing can be handled on the client side by your SPA.


    bucketPolicyFile: path/to/policy.json

Use this parameter to specify the path to a single custom policy file. If not set, it defaults to a config for a basic static website. Currently, only JSON is supported. In your policy, make sure that your resource has the correct bucket name specified above: "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET_NAME/*",

Note: You can also use ${env:PWD} if you want to dynamically specify the policy within your repo. for example:

    bucketPolicyFile: "${env:PWD}/path/to/policy.json"

Additionally, you will want to specify different policies depending on your stage using ${self:provider.stage} to ensure your BUCKET_NAME corosponds to the stage.

    bucketPolicyFile: "/path/to/policy-${self:provider.stage}.json"


optional, no default

        - name: header-name
          value: header-value
        - name: header-name
          value: header-value
        - name: header-name
          value: header-value
        - name: header-name
          value: header-value
      ... # more file- or folder-specific rules

Use the objectHeaders option to set HTTP response headers be sent to clients requesting uploaded files from your website.

Headers may be specified globally for all files in the bucket by adding a name, value pair to the ALL_OBJECTS property of the objectHeaders option. They may also be specified for specific folders or files within your site by specifying properties with names like specific-directory/ (trailing slash required to indicate folder) or specific-file.ext, where the folder and/or file paths are relative to distributionFolder.

Headers with more specificity will take precedence over more general ones. For instance, if 'Cache-Control' was set to 'max-age=100' in ALL_OBJECTS and to 'max-age=500' in my/folder/, the files in my/folder/ would get a header of 'Cache-Control: max-age=500'.


optional, no default

      hostName: hostName
      protocol: protocol # "http" or "https"

Use the redirectAllRequestsTo option if you want to route all traffic coming to your website to a different address. hostName is the address that requests should be redirected to (e.g. 'www.other-website.com'). protocol is the protocol to use for the redirect and must be either 'http' or 'https'.

AWS Documentation


optional, no default

      - redirect:
          hostName: hostName
          httpRedirectCode: httpCode
          protocol: protocol # "http" or "https"
          replaceKeyPrefixWith: prefix
          replaceKeyWith: [object]
          keyPrefixEquals: prefix
          httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals: httpCode
      - ...

The routingRules option can be used to define rules for when and how certain requests to your site should be redirected. Each rule in the redirectRules list consists of a (required) redirect definition and (optionally) a condition on which the redirect is applied.

The redirect property of each rule has five optional parameters:

  • hostName is the name of the host that the request should be redirected to (e.g. 'www.other-site.com'). Defaults to the host from the original request.
  • httpRedirectCode is the HTTP status code to use for the redirect (e.g. 301, 303, 308).
  • protocol is the protocol to use for the redirect and must be 'http' or 'https'. Defaults to the protocol from the original request.
  • replaceKeyPrefixWith specifies the string to replace the portion of the route specified in the keyPrefixEquals with in the redirect. For instance, if you want to redirect requests for pages starting with '/images' to pages starting with '/assets/images', you can specify keyPrefixEquals as '/images' and replaceKeyPrefixWith as '/assets/images'. Cannot be specified along with replaceKeyWith.
  • replaceKeyWith specifies a specific page to redirect requests to (e.g. 'landing.html'). Cannot be specified along with replaceKeyPrefixWith.

The condition property has two optional parameters:

  • keyPrefixEquals specifies that requests to pages starting with the specified value should be redirected. Often used with the replaceKeyPrefixWith and replaceKeyWith redirect properties.
  • httpErrorCodeReturnedEquals specifies that requests resulting in the given HTTP error code (e.g. 404, 500) should be redirected.

If condition is not specified, then all requests will be redirected in accordance with the specified redirect properties

AWS Documentation


optional, no default

      - .*
      - .*/assets/.*
      - service-worker\.js
      - index\.html

The uploadOrder option can be used for ordering the files uploaded to the bucket. When combined with --no-delete-contents this helps with 0 downtime, as we can make sure we upload any assets before serving the html files which need them.


optional, no default

    keyPrefix: s3-folder/possible-sub-folder

Adding a keyPrefix option, so that it's possibly to upload files to a prefixed s3 path. You can use this to specify a key prefix path such as static so the deployment matches the naming conventions of popular frontend frameworks and tools.


optional, no default

    sse: AES256

Enable server side encryption for the uploaded files. You can use AES256 or aws:kms.

AWS Documentation


optional, default true (the plugin does manage your resources by default)

    manageResources: false

This allows you to opt out of having serverless-finch create or configure the s3 bucket. Instead, you can rely on an existing bucket or a CloudFormation definition.

Command-line Parameters


optional, defaults to value specified in provider section of serverless.yml

serverless client deploy --region $REGION

Use this parameter to specify what AWS region your bucket will be deployed in.

This option will always determine the deployment region if specified. If region is not specified via the CLI, we use the region option specified under custom/client in serverless.yml. If that is not specified, we use the Serverless region specified under provider in serverless.yml.


optional, default false (deletes contents by default)

serverless client deploy --no-delete-contents

Use this parameter if you do not want to delete the contents of your bucket before deployment. Files uploaded during deployment will still replace any corresponding files already in your bucket.


optional, default false (overwrites bucket configuration by default)

serverless client deploy --no-config-change

Use this parameter if you do not want to overwrite the bucket configuration when deploying to your bucket.


optional, default false (overwrites bucket policy by default)

serverless client deploy --no-policy-change

Use this parameter if you do not want to overwrite the bucket policy when deploying to your bucket.


optional, default false (overwrites bucket CORS configuration by default)

serverless client deploy --no-cors-change

Use this parameter if you do not want to overwrite the bucket CORS configuration when deploying to your bucket.


optional, default false (disables confirmation prompt)

serverless client deploy --no-confirm

Use this parameter if you do not want a confirmation prompt to interrupt automated builds.


For guidelines on contributing to the project, please refer to our Contributing page.

Release Notes


  • Added the sse option to allow you to encrypt files with Server Side Encryption using AES256 or aws:kms - Pull 91 - Severi Haverila



  • Added ability to deploy files in a specific order to maximize uptime - Issue 63 - stefan-lz
  • Added Python tests of functionality to speed up development - fernando-mc
  • Major refactor of entire codebase to move towards modularity and testability
  • Added the ability to set HTTP headers for objects in bucket (Issue 24)
  • Added the ability to set redirect and routing options for the website (Initially implemented in Pull 23)
  • Added command-line options to disable (Initially implemented in Pull 28):
    • Bucket contents being deleted before deployment
    • Bucket configuration being overwritten on deployment
    • Bucket policy being overwritten on deployment
    • Bucket CORS configuration being overwritten on deployment
  • Added validation checks for all configuration options
  • Removed "stage" command-line option. It was not being used for anything


  • Added the ability to set custom index and error documents. (Pull 20 - evanseeds)


  • Added the ability to set a distributionFolder configuration value. This enables you to upload your website files from a custom directory (Pull 12 - pradel)
  • Updated the URL to the official static website endpoint URL (Pull 13 - amsross)
  • Added a new AWS region (Pull 14 - daguix)
  • Fixed an issue with resolving serverless variables (Pull 18 - shentonfreude)


  • Added the remove option to tear down what you deploy. (Pull 10 thanks to redroot)
  • Fixed automated builds for the project (no functional differences)


  • You - If you're interested in having a more active role in development and becoming a maintainer get in touch.
  • Fernando Medina Corey - fernando-mc
  • Linus Marco - linusmarco


Forked from the serverless-client-s3