This is a simple working project to demonstrate linking Telegram Bot to arduino via a Python bridge. Ardupy is used to interface between Python and Arduino which allows Python to interact with Arduino which further interacts with the connected device.
Control on/off state and color of a RGB LED using Telegram Messenger. You can set any color in HTML/CSS color definitions. You can also send RGB values.
- Upload the code in ardupy to arduino.
- Create a telegram bot. Don't know how to do that? Don't Worry, go here.
- Change the variable token in rgbTelegram to the token you got.
- You are all set. Run
- You can send any color directly.
- For sending rgb values format is "rgb " (without quotes or the comparison operators).
- Enjoy!
- Python2
- Python-telegram-bot api
- Ardupy
- Webcolors
- Arduino with a RGB LED connected to pin 9(red), 10(blue), 11(green).