A curated list of awesome things related to Pion
- CommCon 2020
- Go Time Podcast
- PNW Remote Go Meetup
- WebRTC Live
- KrankyGeek 2019
- Programming Throwdown
- GopherCon 2019
- CommCon 2019
- AllThingsRTC 2019
- Seattle Video Tech 2018
- Ragnar-H/TelloGo
- deepch/RTSPtoWebRTC
- giongto35/cloud-game
- kdevb0x/quikface
- machinesworking/myhome
- dialup-inc/ascii
- pion/ion
- pion/rtwatch
- pion/webrtc-voicemail
- porjo/babelcast
- porjo/mumblet
- rviscarra/webrtc-remote-screen
- rviscarra/webrtc-speech-to-text
- ~tslocum/harmony
- nurdism/neko
- fletcherist/webrtc-voice-chat
- mornin.fm
- oliverpool/tello-webrtc-fpv
- peer-calls/peer-calls - a video conferencing solution. Version 4 ships with a complete server rewrite in Go and the built-in Selective Forwarding Unit is powered by
's Media API. See it live at peercalls.com/beta. - Galène videoconferencing server
- mzyy94/ns-remote
- Monibuca/plugin-webrtc
- metaclips/LetsTalk
- hakobera/go-ayame
- MixinNetwork/kraken
- pion/rtsp-bench
- screego
- Hexcord (mediaserver) - a mediaserver for forwarding WebRTC streams to an RTMP endpoint using ffmpeg
- Kerberos.io
- GRVYDEV/Project-Lightspeed
- giongto35/cloud-morph
- ReolinkCameraAPI/reolinkapigo
- ahamlinman/hypcast
- sean-der/rtmp-to-webrtc
- zyberzero/secure-videoconference
- sethkimmel3/roundtable.audio
- manishiitg/ion-sfu-actions - useful utilites with ion-sdk-go on ion-sfu
- livekit/livekit-server - scalable WebRTC SFU with native clients
- Antonito/gfile
- adsisto/adsisto
- ailabstw/webrtc-socket-proxy
- cretz/webrtc-ipfs-signaling
- decentraland/webrtc-broker
- keroserene/snowflake
- libp2p/go-libp2p-webrtc-direct
- maxmcd/webtty
- mxseba/rtc-ssh
- nobonobo/ssh-p2p
- peterq/pan-light
- rtctunnel/rtctunnel
- takutakahashi/wg-connect
- anacrolix/torrent
- saljam/webwormhole
- peer-calls/peer-calls - a video conferencing solution. Version 4 ships with a complete server rewrite in Go. Chat messages and file sharing is powered by
's DataChannel API when the SFU is enabled. See it live here. - mosaicnetworks/babble
- jsmouret/grpc-over-webrtc
- termbacktime/termbacktime
- duality-solutions/web-bridge
- CortexFoundation/CortexTheseus
- tmitchel/workspace-sync
- ClaytonMcCray/telective
- atotto/mibot
- levpaul/gecserv
- emiraganov/sharef
- muka/peerjs-go - PeerJS port to Go. Enables simple p2p via HTTP comms between web browser and IoT apps.
- mxseba/rtc-terminal
- snaka/go-whatsmyip
- 0x
- Cortex Labs
- Decentraland
- Duality Blockchain Solutions
- Fox.ONE
- Headroom
- InterPlanetary File System
- Kerberos.io
- LiveKit
- Mosaic Networks
- Mutagen
- Neverinstall
- Piepacker
- RemoteMonster
- RingCentral
- Strivecast
- Tandem
- Yous
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
To the extent possible under law, Pion has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.