
Adopt, raise, and battle little dungeon creatures!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Project: PuterPets

Description: PuterPets is a web-based virtual pet game where players can discover, adopt, trade, and battle unique dungeon monsters. The game features include pet adoption, battling, item collection, and a home page displaying the player's adopted pet, wins/losses, and inventory.


  1. index.html

    • The main entry point of the application.
    • Includes the necessary HTML structure and links to CSS and JavaScript files.
    • Uses the <header-component> for the navigation menu.
    • Displays the home page component (<home-page>) with the player's adopted pet, wins/losses, and inventory.
  2. style.css

    • Contains the CSS styles for the application.
    • Defines styles for the body, header, navigation menu, and various components.
  3. header.js

    • Defines the Header web component for the navigation menu.
    • Includes links to different pages of the application.
    • Applies styles to the header and navigation menu items.
    • Implements hover effects for menu items, such as skewing and enlarging.
  4. home-page.js

    • Defines the HomePage web component for the home page.
    • Displays the player's adopted pet, wins/losses, and inventory.
    • Retrieves data from localStorage for the adopted pet, wins/losses, and inventory.
    • Renders the pet information and inventory items in a card format.
  5. adopt.html

    • Page for adopting a new pet.
    • Includes the <header-component> for the navigation menu.
    • Displays a list of available pets for adoption.
  6. field.html

    • Page for exploring the field and collecting random items.
    • Includes the <header-component> for the navigation menu.
    • Displays a question mark that, when clicked, reveals a random item with its attributes.
    • Stores the collected items in the player's inventory in localStorage.
  7. battle.js

    • Defines the BattleComponent web component for pet battles.
    • Displays the player's pet on the left and a random opponent pet on the right.
    • Implements a battle system where pets take turns attacking each other.
    • Updates the pets' HP and displays win/lose messages based on the battle outcome.
    • Stores the battle results (wins/losses) and updated pet HP in localStorage.
  8. petdata.js

    • Contains the petdata object with an array of pet data.
    • Each pet object includes properties like id, name, iconUrl, and stats (HP and mana).
    • Used as a data source for displaying pet information and initializing battles.
  9. items.json

    • JSON file containing an array of random fantasy items.
    • Each item object includes properties like name, goldValue, foodValue, and attackValue.
    • Used as a data source for generating random items in the field.


  1. Header (header.js)

    • Navigation menu component used across all pages.
    • Provides links to different sections of the application.
  2. HomePage (home-page.js)

    • Displays the player's adopted pet, wins/losses, and inventory on the home page.
    • Retrieves data from localStorage and renders it in a card format.
  3. PetBox (petbox.js)

    • Displays a pet's information, including its icon, name, HP, and mana.
    • Allows adopting a pet and storing the adopted pet data in localStorage.
    • Updates the pet's HP based on battle results.
  4. BattleComponent (battle.js)

    • Implements the pet battle functionality.
    • Displays the player's pet and a random opponent pet.
    • Simulates attacks between pets and updates their HP.
    • Determines the winner based on the remaining HP and stores the results in localStorage.
  5. ItemReveal (item-reveal.js)

    • Displays a question mark that, when clicked, reveals a random item from the items.json file.
    • Animates the question mark and displays the item's attributes.
    • Stores the revealed item in the player's inventory in localStorage.


  1. Pet Adoption:

    • Players can visit the adopt page to view a list of available pets.
    • Clicking on a pet allows the player to adopt it and store the pet data in localStorage.
  2. Pet Battles:

    • Players can engage in battles with their adopted pet against a random opponent pet.
    • The battle system involves pets taking turns attacking each other.
    • The winner is determined based on the remaining HP, and the results are stored in localStorage.
  3. Item Collection:

    • Players can explore the field by clicking on a question mark.
    • Clicking the question mark reveals a random item with its attributes.
    • The collected items are stored in the player's inventory in localStorage.
  4. Home Page:

    • The home page displays the player's adopted pet, wins/losses, and inventory.
    • The data is retrieved from localStorage and rendered in a card format.
    • The pet's HP is updated based on the battle results.
  5. Navigation:

    • The header component provides a navigation menu to access different pages of the application.
    • Hovering over the menu items applies visual effects, such as skewing and enlarging.


  • Web Components: The application utilizes custom web components for modularity and reusability.
  • localStorage: Used for storing and retrieving data, such as the adopted pet, wins/losses, and inventory.
  • JSON: Used for storing and retrieving data from external files, such as petdata.js and items.json.

That's a comprehensive overview of the PuterPets project. By providing this document to a new session, the assistant will have a clear understanding of the project structure, components, functionality, and dependencies. Let me know if you have any further questions!