
Metapeen, a website that scrapes scores from various CTF sites.

Primary LanguagePython


Start server

Clone project.

  1. git clone https://github.com/trirpi/hkjl-metapeen
  2. cd hkjl-metapeen

Create virtual evironment.

  1. virtualenv -p python3 metapeen
  2. source metapeen/bin/activate

Install dependencies.

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt

Set mode to development or production. (if you don't do this, it will default to development)

  1. export FLASK_CONFIG=development

Create database and admin.

  1. python manage.py setup

Start Flask.

  1. python run.py

Exemple credentials.py

ht = { 
    'username': 'fgt123',
    'hts_password': 'okeisgoed'


There are two main parts:

  • The website (hkjl-metapeen/peen)
  • The crawler (hkjl-metapeen/crawler)

The website

The website has an index page where all the scores are listed. And there is an admin interface. The scores are fetched from a sqlite db (this can become redis or something other later). The db has 3 tables:

  • Hacker: users with there scores and usernames of ctf sites
  • User: an admin user (or maybe more then one)
  • Account: account of hackers (specific site, current score, specific username)
Index page

Currently shows exactly what is in the db.

Admin interface

Currently lists all hackers



returns user


returns list of all users

The crawler

This updates all the scores of the users. Should be ran by cron every hour or so. I am working on this.

More info: https://pad.hackenkunjeleren.nl/p/hkjl-metapeen-clone