
Primary LanguagePython



A simple mesh processing tool based on Trimesh for command line use.


The program currently supports the following flags

-i/--input: input file name (required). Added 2021/04/08

-I/--info: display mesh info. Added 2021/04/08

-r/--rotate: rotate along either of the x, y, z axes by a certain degree. Added 2021/04/08

-n/--normalize: normalize the mesh by its bounding box. Added 2021/04/08

-o/--output: output the transformed mesh to a file. Added 2021/04/08

Execution Sequence

The execution order of the corresponding commands is:








Need not to explain.


Use -I/--info to display the info of the mesh. Currently supported:

  • mesh bounding box


Use -r/--rotate for rotating the mesh. For example, to rotate around the x axis for 45 degrees:

python simplemesh.py --input input.obj -r x 45

You can rotate multiple times in a single command

python simplemesh.py --input input.obj -r x 45 y 70 z 25


Use -n/--normalize to normalize the mesh. For example, using

python simplemesh.py --input input.obj -n 0.8

will scale (isotropically) and translate the mesh so that its bounding box is $[-0.8, 0.8]^3$.