
Build Your Own Backend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Your Own Backend - American Deaths Abroad


Build Your Own Backend is a backend project that takes data from two separate databases - countries and deaths in said countries - and combines them into one dataset. The database is built using PostgreSQL. From there, the data is seeded into two separate tables, which are used for endpoints that a frontend user can hit in order to gather and display the data. The data is hosted on a server built with Node.js and Express, which allows the user to interact with the data using GET, POST and DELETE.

Tech Stack

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Knex
  • PostgreSQL

This app is also deployed to Heroku. Use the following endpoints listed in the Endpoints section of this README to view additional data.


  • Clone down this repo and run npm install
  • Run the server by using npm start

The server will run on http://localhost:3000. All endpoints are prefixed with /api/v1.

Data Model

A country is stored on the server and has an id, country_abbrev, name, created_at and updated_at. id, created_at and updated_at are automatically created when an object is created. Here is a sample country object:

  id: 5662,
  country_abbrev: "NG",
  country_name: "Nigeria",
  created_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:33.555Z",
  updated_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:33.555Z"

A death is stored on the server and has an id, date, cause_of_death, country_id that refers back to the country it belongs to, created_at and updated_at. id, country_id, created_at, updated_at are all automatically created when a user creates a death. Here is a sample death object:

  id: 5777,
  date: "4/29/13",
  cause_of_death: "Air Accident",
  country_id: 5501,
  created_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:33.818Z",
  updated_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:33.818Z"

The countries are stored in one table, and the deaths are stored in another table on the server. The data structure is set up with a one to many relationship, with a country holding many deaths (but each death only belonging to one country).


There are two sets of endpoints, as follows:


Purpose URL Verb Request Body Sample Success Response
Get all countries /api/v1/countries GET N/A All countries on the server: {countries: [{}, {}, ...]}
Get one country /api/v1/countries/:id GET N/A One country: { id: 5509, country_abbrev: "AQ", country_name: "Antarctica", created_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:32.908Z", updated_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:32.908Z" }
Add new country /api/v1/countries POST {country_abbrev: <String>, country_name: <String>} New country that was added: {country_abbrev: "ZZ", country_name: "SleepyCountry" }


Purpose URL Verb Request Body Sample Success Response
Get all deaths in a country /api/v1/countries/:id/deaths GET N/A All deaths for a country: [{}, {} ... ]
Get specific death in a country /api/v1/countries/:id/deaths/:id GET N/A Specific death: {id: 11455, date: "7/14/13", cause_of_death: "Homicide", country_id: 5738, created_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:36.101Z", updated_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:36.101Z"}
Create a death /api/v1/countries/:id/deaths POST {date: "7/14/13", cause_of_death: "Drank too many Croix Boyz"} {date: "7/14/13", cause_of_death: "Drank too many Croix Boyz"}
Delete existing death /api/v1/countries/:id/deaths/:id DELETE N/A All remaining deaths for that country: { remainingDeathsByCountry: [{}, {}...] }

Project Spec

This was a solo project completed over the course of one week at Turing School of Software and Design.

The project spec can be found here.

This project used GitHub Projects project board.