Palette Picker


Looking for an easy way to put together color combinations and save them for a project? Look no further than Palette Picker. This app allows you to save projects and store color palettes for upcoming tasks, outfits, projects or anything else you may want to add a splash of color to.

Tech Stack

  • React Hooks
  • Redux
  • Jest/Enzyme
  • Node.js
  • Sass


To use this app, visit our backend repo to clone it down. Then, install dependencies and run nodemon server.js to run the server locally.

Then, to access the frontend, simply clone down and run npm install to access the necessary packages. For the best viewing experience, run npm run start and copy and paste your local server into the browser.

User Interface and User Experience

Gif that shows user interactions

Future Iterations

  • "Locking" capabilities, alloing the user to freeze a color and randomly generate four other different colors
  • Ability to delete palettes and projects
  • Error handling when a user tries to enter a project name that has already been used
  • Generate colors with specific requirements, e.g. all blues

Project Requirements

This was a paired project over the course of two weeks by Trisha Langlois and Foster Taylor at Turing School of Software and Design.

Project requirements can be found here, and our Trello project board can be found here.