Description: Quickly go back to a specific parent directory in linux instead of typing "cd ../../.." redundantly.
How to install:
wget -O /usr/bin/bd
chmod +rx /usr/bin/bd
echo 'alias bd=". bd -s"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
How to use:
If you are in this path /home/user/project/src/org/main/site/utils/file/reader/whatever
and you want to go to site
directory quickly,
then just type:
bd site
In fact, You can simply type bd <starting few letters>
like bd s
or bd si
If there are more than one directories with same name up in the hierarchy, bd will take you to the closest. (Not considering the immediate parent.)
Other uses:
Using bd within backticks (`bd <letter(s)>`
) prints out the path without changing the current directory.
You can take advantage of that by combining `bd <letter(s)>`
with other commands such as ls, ln, echo, zip, tar etc..
If you just want to list the contents of a parent directory, without going there, then you can use:
ls `bd p`
in the given example, it will list the contents of/home/user/project/
If you want to execute a file somewhere in a parent directory,
`bd p`/
will execute/home/user/project/
while not changing the current directory. -
If you reside in
and want to change to/home/user/project/test
, then trycd `bd p`/test