To add a page, create a new folder in the app
directory with the page path. Inside this folder there must be a page.tsx
file that exports the React component by default. See the nextjs docs for more details.
To add a page, create a new folder in the app
directory with the page path. Inside this directory there must be a page.mdx
file with the page content. To edit the components rendered from markdown, change the mdx-components.tsx
export const TestMDXComponent = () => {
return <h4>Test</h4>;
import { TestMDXComponent } from './components'
export const metadata = {
title: "My first MDX blog post",
description: "A short MDX blog post.",
# Hello
#### h4
This is some **bold** and _italics_ text.
This is a list in markdown:
- One
- Two
- Three
Checkout my React component:
<TestMDXComponent />
To add a blog post, add a file in the posts
directory with the path as name. To edit the components rendered from markdown, change the MDXRemote
title: "Metadata Example"
date: "2024-06-01"
author: "Jane Doe"
tags: ["example", "mdx"]
# Hello world
5 + 4 = {5 + 4}