This module provides a simple dialog that allows the user to configure a well plate by specifying a "type" for each well. The default types are:
- Empty
- Blank
- Calibrant
- Sample
The user selection can be returned in a variety of ways, including well names or row- or column-major indexes for each type.
The dialog is reasonably configurable:
- Number of rows and columns (96 or 384 well plate, or any other size)
- Selectable types: labels and colors
- Font sizes for row and column header labels
- Whether or not to show labels and well labels
model = plate.PlateModel(8, 12)
dialog = plate.PlateDialog(model)
if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
for row in range(model.rows):
for col in range(model.cols):
key = model.grid[row][col]
if key == plate.SAMPLE:
# do something