
Data from G-cubed paper 2017 - Influence of mantle flow on the drainage of eastern Australia since the Jurassic Period


T. Salles, N. Flament and D. Muller (2016), badlands-model/g-cubed-2017: G3 paper dataset, doi:10.5281/zenodo.164700.

Supplementary materials: Australian Landscape Dynamic

Topographic evolution at given time intervals

This repository contains all the materials required to reproduce the models published in our G-cubed paper:

Salles, T., N. Flament, and D. Muller (2017), Influence of mantle flow on thedrainage of eastern Australia since the Jurassic Period, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 18, doi:10.1002/2016GC006617

You will need to download and install Badlands v1.0 to run these experiments.



  • XmL file: Main entry point for defining the initial and forcing conditions used by Badlands to run any model (this is required)
  • topodyn: this folder contains the normalized dynamic topography value at 10 Ma increments which are used in the paper.
  • paleodata: this folder contains the sea-level fluctuations (Haq, 1987) - the rainfall parameters - and the DEM of Australian paleotopography (150 Ma)
  • NetCDF-outputs: contains a subset of model results (shipped as NetCDF files) for a high-resolution test presented in the paper
  • visual: contains an image from the model output


An animation of the high-resolution model is available as a YouTube video or for download from the following link (be aware this a 250 MB file).