
Example Image

Downloading dataset

You can find instructions on downloading the 2 datasets used in the paper below
DVS: https://research.ibm.com/interactive/dvsgesture/
N-Epic-Kitchens: https://github.com/EgocentricVision/N-EPIC-Kitchens

Preparing dataset for DVS

Clone snntorch repository:

git clone https://github.com/jeshraghian/snntorch/tree/master

Go to the snntorch/snntorch/spikevision/spikedata folder and replace dvs_gesture.py by the dvs_gesture.py file found in the /DL folder of this repo

Running the code

Finetuning on N-Epic-Kitchens dataset:

python train_ECL_git.py -c configs/config_NEK.py

Finetuning on DVS dataset:

python train_ECL_git.py -c configs/config_DVS_woECL.py

Finetuning on DVS dataset with contrastive loss:

python train_ECL_git.py -c configs/config_DVS_wECL.py