
Projects coded as a student @ 42 Paris

Primary LanguageC


Projects coded as a student @ 42 Paris

First year

The first part of the curriculum englobes the following C projects.

  1. Libft: repo
    Remplementation of some basic functions from the C standard library
  2. Get_next_line: repo
    Read a file descriptor line by line using the Libft functions
  3. Fillit: repo
    Find the smallest possible square containing a given list of tetriminos
  4. Printf: repo
    Reimplementation of the printf function
  5. Push_swap: repo
    Sorting two piles of integers with a limited set of actions using various sorting algorithms
  6. Lem_in: repo
    Help ants navigate in a graph of nodes ! Reimplementation of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
  7. Corewar: repo
    Reimplementation of the CoreWar game: simulation of a VM and a custom assembler language

Second year

  1. Ft_malloc: repo
    C re-implementation of malloc(), free() and realloc()

  2. Abstract_VM: repo
    Create a C++ lexer, parser and compiler for a simple stack programming language

  3. [WIP] Scop: repo
    Parse .obj files to render 3d objects with custom textures and rotate them

  4. Nibbler: repo
    C++ implementation of Snake with a custom ECS engine. The graphics library can be changed at runtime !


A Piscine is an intensive, weeks-long coding challenge during which students discover a new programming language.

C++: repo

Classes et objects, Heritage, Polymorphism, C++ Casts, Templates, STL