
Runs service calls against blizzard's API with a provided auth token.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Runs service calls against blizzard's API with a provided auth token.

Created following instructions at: https://blog.shovonhasan.com/deploying-a-typescript-node-aws-lambda-function-with-serverless/


This app uses the Serverless framework to make requests to the Blizzard World of Warcraft API.

It also uses some serverless plugins for easy development and testing:

You'll need node installed on your system. Click here for their native installers! You'll need serverless installed for this to work. I have it installed globally on my system. You can do this by running:

sudo npm install -g serverless

To set up this service, start by running:

git clone https://github.com/trisco2001/blizzy-ts-auth.git && cd blizzy-ts-auth
npm install

This microservice does not encompass authorization. You'll need a Blizzard API authorization token. I've created a basic authorization server at https://github.com/trisco2001/blizzy-ts-auth, and to run that you'll need to acquire your own API-key and Secret, both of which are available from Blizzard. I will assume that you have your own authorization server set up, and have access to an auth token.

Once that's set up, you should be able to start a local server:

serverless offline -P 3001

Assuming all started well and the server is listening, you should be able to use a separate terminal to invoke the endpoint and get and authorization token to use for other Blizzard API requests.

curl -d '{"token":"ABC123ABC123ABC123ABC123", "resource":"wow/character/executus/barnaby", "params": {"locale": "en_US"}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3001/service


Note that if you are not providing valid authorization tokens in your service requests, you will ultimately get 401s from Blizzard.

{"error":"An unauthorized status was configured. Check that your authorization token is still valid."}