
a pale imitation of the aws-cli

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Aws (ruby) cli

This is a quick and incomplete clone of the aws-cli (python) except this one is written in Ruby.

I was hoping to hack together some sort of reflection technique to auto-generate the commands but so far I just implemented a couple of my most frequently used commands.


Aws commands:
  aws --version, -v              # print the version number
  aws cloudformation SUBCOMMAND  # run cloudformation commands
  aws ec2 SUBCOMMAND             # run ec2 commands
  aws help [COMMAND]             # Describe available commands or one specific command
  aws iam SUBCOMMAND             # run iam commands
  aws kms SUBCOMMAND             # run kms commands
  aws s3 SUBCOMMAND              # run s3 commands
  aws sts SUBCOMMAND             # run sts commands

  aws cloudformation delete-stack NAME       # delete a stack with name
  aws cloudformation describe-stacks [NAME]  # get stacks with name

  aws dynamodb delete-table    # delete a table
  aws dynamodb describe-table  # describe a table
  aws dynamodb list-tables     # List tables in account

  aws ec2 create-key-pair NAME                       # create a new key-pair
  aws ec2 delete-key-pair                            # Deletes a key pair
  aws ec2 describe-images TAG                        # describe images with tag
  aws ec2 describe-instances TAG                     # get instances with tag
  aws ec2 describe-instances TAG                     # get_console_output from and instance
  aws ec2 describe-key-pairs                         # Describes all of your key pairs
  aws ec2 describe-subnetss                          # Describes subnets`s
  aws ec2 get-windows-password instance_id pem_path  # Gets the windows password for an instance

  aws iam list-access-keys  # List access keys for User
  aws iam list-users        # List users in account

  aws s3 cp SOURCE [PATH]  # Copy from SOURCE to PATH
  aws s3 ls [SOURCE]       # list buckets or object in SOURCE
  aws s3 mb BUCKET         # make a new BUCKET
  aws s3 pressign PATH     # generate a presigned URL for PATH
  aws s3 rb bucket         # delete a bucket
  aws s3 rm PATH           # delete a PATH

  aws sts decode-authorization-message MESSAGE  # Decode an authorization MESSAGE
  aws sts generate-fake-key                     # Generate fake keys for testing
  aws sts get-access-key-info                   # Get info about access keys
  aws sts get-caller-identity                   # Get current users details
  aws sts passcheck PASSWORD                    # check a password

awsrubycli uses Thor for cli argument parsing and providing the help messages.


Released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.