
Gradient Descent and Logistic Regression

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This repository contains 2 files that complete different tasks, which are outlined below:

gradient_descent.m: The code in this MATLAB code is responsible for analyzing nonlinear error surface E(u, v) = (u*e^v - 2*v*e^(-u))^2 with the a learning rate eta of 0.1.

First we calculate how many iterations it takes for the error to fall below 10^(-14) and we find the values of u and v after that many iterations.

Next, we test coordinate descent and compare it to the gradient descent. We find that the value of error E(u, v) after 15 iterations of the coordinate descent is close to 0.1398.

logistic_regression.m: In this file, I created a target function and evaluated outputs (+1 or -1) for each point based on where they were with respect to a randomly generated line. We used Logistic Regression with Stochastic Gradient Descent to find our hypothesis function g, and estimated the cross entropy error E_out. I stopped running the SGD algorithm once the magnitude of the difference between two different weight vectors from consecutive epochs is less than 0.01. I repeated the experiment 100 times to take the average values and found that the average cross entropy error was 0.1014. This took an average of 337.99 epochs to reach.