
Open an NREPL session from an existing python process

Primary LanguageClojure


I want to use libpython-clj from an already running python process, without needing any special python builds.



Running python with embedded nREPL

The following prepares and runs the python process (or application with embedded python) and bootstraps nREPL via a python script, passed via the command line.

  1. Preparing python environment:
    clj -m clj-python-trampoline.resources --requirements > requirements.txt
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    clj -m clj-python-trampoline.resources --clj > clj.py
  2. Starting a REPL:

    i. from the command line:

    python3 clj.py

    ii. with nREPL:

    python3 clj.py -- -e "(require 'nrepl.cmdline) (future (nrepl.cmdline/-main))"

    iii. from blender, with nREPL and cider middleware:

    export CLASSPATH="$(clj -Sdeps '{:deps {nrepl {:mvn/version "0.7.0"} refactor-nrepl {:mvn/version "RELEASE"} cider/cider-nrepl {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}}' -Spath)"
    blender -P clj.py -- -e "(require 'nrepl.cmdline) (future (nrepl.cmdline/-main \"--middleware\" \"[\\\"refactor-nrepl.middleware/wrap-refactor\\\",\\\"cider.nrepl/cider-middleware\\\"]\"))"
  3. Connect to remote nREPL, and load python bindings:
    clj -m nrepl.cmdline -c -p $(cat .nrepl-port)
    (require '[libpython-clj.require :refer [require-python]]) ;; loads python shared library for us, calling our patched libpython-clj
    (require-python 'sys)
    (println sys/version)


javabridge is installed with your local “pip3” command, which should be installing to the python environment that blender uses.

(Tested on Fedora 31)


  • javabridge provides the python -> jvm connection.
  • libpython-clj is patched at runtime, to be able to use it from inside an existing python process. This patch is experimental and will certainly break something.