Simple application using
- Kotlin 1.5.31
- It's important, that if the project does not build, it may be that your Kotlin version is over 1.5.31. Moshi codegen does not support Kotlin over 1.5.31 as for now.
- Architecture Components
- Retrofit 2.9.0
- Moshi 1.12.0
- Room 2.3.0
- Glide 4.12.0
The main activity is the one with the whole list of cats fetched from the open API (these cats are not persistently stored in the database, only fetched every time from the API), there is a search bar on top, which can re-fetch the cats from the API with the tag entered in the search bar. In the options the user can choose to see the possible tags.
The user can browse the cats, and can choose cats from this page with the save button on the fragment to save to a collection, which opens up the Kitty saver fragment. Once a cat is chosen for saving into collection, if the Kitty is already in the Collection, a SnackBar with the information comes up. If not, a Kitty entity will be created for it and will be persistently saved (but the picture is still retrieved from the API by Glide). On a simple click on the picture, the cat viewer fragment comes up.
An other activity is the collection list activity, in which there's a Fab which opens up the Collection creator fragment.
The latter activities fragments open up the other important activity, the collection viewer activity which lists the cats in the collection. The user can re-rate the cats with the star button on the fragment, delete them from the collection with the trash button. On a simple click on the picture, the cat viewer fragment comes up.