
🏖 The webpage of the Simonyi Summer Camp. Based on the CMSch project: https://github.com/kir-dev/cmsch

Primary LanguageKotlin

CMSch web backend with in-built frontend

Build docker

  ./gradlew clean build
  docker build -t cmsch .


  ./gradlew bootRun --args='--spring.profiles.include=test,internal,snyt2022'

Enable profileing

  ./gradlew -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=9010 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.rmi.port=9010 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.local.only=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -XX:+UseSerialGC" clean bootRun --args='--spring.profiles.include=test,internal'


Use your authsch details for docker login. Tag rc for staging (release candidate) and tag release for release.

  docker login harbor.sch.bme.hu
  # Release candidate
  docker image tag cmsch:latest harbor.sch.bme.hu/org-golyakorte/cmsch:rc
  docker image push harbor.sch.bme.hu/org-golyakorte/cmsch:rc
  # Release (you can use versions like ':major.minor.build' as well)
  docker image tag cmsch:latest harbor.sch.bme.hu/org-golyakorte/cmsch:release
  docker image push harbor.sch.bme.hu/org-golyakorte/cmsch:release

Run (you can start here)

For develpment:

  docker run --rm -p 8080:80 \


  docker pull harbor.sch.bme.hu/org-golyakorte/cmsch
  docker run --rm -p 8080:80 \

Where to start?

  • Api docs: BASE_URL/swagger-ui.html
  • Admin UI: BASE_URL/admin/control/basics
  • API: BASE_URL/api/... (see swagger for more)

Required apps

You must install:

  • Node v16
  • Yarn v1.22.17
  • IDEA or at least Gradle

Application local properties

Create an application-local.properties file in the src/main/resources/config folder, and fill the file with these configurations (using your credentials):

authsch.client-identifier=<insert the shorter key>
authsch.client-key=<insert the long key>
cmsch.sysadmins=<your pekId>
cmsch.website-default-url=http://<your ip>:8080/

Your pekId can be found in the console log of the Spring app when signing in with AuthSCH. The cmsch.website-default-url property's IP address needs to be either localhost or the IP of your current device running your Spring app on your network.

Once created, edit the CMSchApplication Run Configuration's Spring Boot Active Profiles to use (see image down below)

  • local,test if you want test data in the database also
  • local if you don't


Client side solutions

Hybrid solution: SPA client built statically for the Spring app

The React client is built into the Spring app upon triggering a Gradle build.

In production mode

The gradle building task will build the React app's built JS files into the static directory of our Spring app, from where the Spring backend app will serve the built js files, they will access easily the Spring app backend through axios API. This will not induce CORS related problems, both the backend and these static files will be served by Tomcat in Spring app's domain.

If you need to declare a new client environment variable, create it in the src/main/resources/configurations/application.properties file and modify the build.gradle.kts script (approx. line 97) to include the new property in the built .env file.

When in development mode, you can freely change the .env file. WARNING: Gradle build will override the existing .env file so always have an .env.development file in the client repo as a backup.

Recommended development workflows

Basic recommended development workflow


Open up IDEA, start the Spring app, you're good to go.


  1. Open up src/main/client in VSCode or Webstorm, open a terminal there.
  2. yarn install to install dependencies locally in node_modules
  3. yarn start to start React client server DEPRECATED: while using React dev-server, you won't be able to make proper API calls or use session handling so you won't be able to log into the Spring app.
  4. yarn spring:start-app to start the Spring app easily.

Once the Spring server is running on localhost:8080, you need to open this url, where you can see your React frontend in production mode.

IMPORTANT AND USEFUL TIP: Anytime you need to see your modifications without the need of restarting the Spring app, do not close the terminal running the Spring app, but open a new terminal and use the yarn spring:build-ui command in the client-side project root.

Be wise with using the yarn spring:build-ui script, as it takes approx. 1 minute to rebuild the React frontend and move it into the Spring app's static resources files.

The last two yarn commands work from Windows, use yarn spring:start-app-alt and yarn spring:build-ui-alt if you're using MaxOS or Linux base systems.

If you need to declare a new environment variable, create it in the src/main/resources/configurations/application.properties file and modify the build.gradle.kts script (approx. line 97) to include the new property in the built .env file.