
Automatically adjust line-height based on element width for optimal readability.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Molten Leading (plain JS version)

Manually adjusting line-height for optimum readability across a bunch of media queries is kind of a pain. With Molten Leading you can set a minimum width at which the adjustment starts, a maximum element width where it stops, and a minimum and maximum line height to adjust through.

All the work here is based on @Wilto’s Molten-Leading jQuery version of the plugin.


  • Automatically adjust line-height based on element width for optimal readability.
  • Works in all major desktop and mobile browsers, including IE 6 and up.
  • Free to use in both commercial and non-commercial projects.
  • Doesn’t require external JavaScript libraries.
  • Weighs only 817 bytes minified and Gzip’ed.
  • Supports multiple instances.

Usage instructions

Following the steps below you should be able to get everything up and running.

  1. Link files:
<script src="moltenleading.js"></script>
  1. Hook up the plugin:
<!-- Put this right before the </body> closing tag -->
  1. Customizable options:
moltenLeading("h1", {
  minline: 1.2,  // Minimum line height for the element
  maxline: 1.8,  // Maximum line height for the element
  minwidth: 320, // Minimum element width where the adjustment starts
  maxwidth: 1024 // Maximum element width where the adjustment stops


  • Tested to be working all the way down to IE6. side note: if you need to support IE6 & 7 you’re gonna have to use simple "tag selectors," since the plugin uses getElementsByTagName as a fallback if querySelector isn’t supported.
  • Built Progressive Enhancement in mind, so the plugin will silently fail when a browser doesn’t support certain selector (only IE6 & 7).
  • There’s a demo here.
  • Full credits go to both Wilto who wrote the orinal plugin and to Tim Brown for the original idea.


1.02 (2014-06-21) - Adds minified version.

1.01 (2014-06-21) - Removes unnecessary code.

1.00 (2014-06-19) - First release.